Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
The process has long begun of telling people we are moving. The time has just gone too fast! So many people have touched our lives that we can't possibly see or talk to everyone before our departure day. We have told our church family goodbye. I know I didn't anticipate crying so much! I'm sure the rest of my family didn't either!
Nothing has made me realize how many people have been woven into our lives as this move. Spending time with friends at our home this past weekend, in the cold and sometimes rainy weather, like life, we weathered it together! Sometimes we crowded around the fire for warmth, other times we were crowded into the sunroom for dryness & warmth! Sharing stories of the past, talking about the future, and looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone.
At church, as our family was recognized for what God has called us to do - serve - I realized just how many people we have served beside. It's not that The Coulter's have done it all. We've only been a small part of a larger picture that took many people to fulfill God's plan. How awesome it was to hug people who, through prayer, God has healed them. Hugging people who have prayed for me and my family through illnesses & surgeries. Hugging people who you know would drop anything and everything to help you do whatever you needed. Hugging people whose lives have been drastically changed because they made a decision to live for Christ!
Through all the goodbyes and see you later, God has provided encouragement and confirmation that this large transition will be a small part of His big picture. I praise Him for that!
Here's a BIG hug!!!!! Love you guys!!!!