Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Get Down, He Lifts Me Up!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Philippians 4:4 

All has been going relatively well.  We have been in Iowa for 3 weeks.  Todd has been at work for 2 weeks.  Our apartment is as unpacked as it's going to get for now.  I've managed to get a decent haircut, survived a week of the computer in the shop, visited the eye doctor & got new glasses, 2 trips to the dentist just for me, we've been to the actual doctor for a total of 3 times, and the pharmacy twice.  We've been able to find everything we need and don't need around town. 

If there's been a time since we've moved that I've had reason to cry out and ask God "what is going on?"  I feel this last week would be it.  Mattye has missed the entire week of school, plus 2 days from the previous week.  She has battled brochitis, throwing up, and now an ear infection.  At this point, I feel she's missed more school than she's been there.  I've been sicker than I can remember in a long time with a really high fever (103.7), literally in bed for 3 days, and now a cough.  I know Todd was pulled in different directions with us and work, but like always, he took great care of us sick girls.  Probably our biggest blow came when we heard my mom's cancer has worsened.  The prognosis is not what we had hoped to hear.

Missing my son and daughter is getting harder.  Jessi is facing decisions that would be so much easier to sit face to face and discuss, but we continue to do it over the phone, email, and texts.  I was looking forward to Jerod's arrival in Iowa in a week, but now I believe he's staying in Indiana for a bit longer to spend some more time with his grandma.  However, his resignation from his full time job is effective Nov. 5th, he's going to need something to fund his longer stay.

We do enjoy this quaint little town of Story City.  School officials actually meet with church leaders and coordinate schedules so activities don't conflict.  We have enjoyed driving around the country just looking around.  It kinda reminds me of Sunday drives we used to take with my grandparents.  Nowhere to go, no hurry to get there.  We've managed bike rides, walks, game nights, and family togetherness.  Knowing only a few people helps that!  :-)

We have been blessed to have found two churches that we are interested in and we enjoy both for different reasons.  So our prayer now is that God makes it clear where we are to put root and where we are to serve.  We could really use some great church friends.

Through it all, we could chose to be bitter or rejoice.  We are choosing to rejoice -- always!  Moving here was a big decision.  When moving day came, we knew our lives were changed.....for the better.  God has been in control of the entire process and we praise Him.  God's peace and comfort led us here.  I know He's in control, even when we feel we aren't.  God will lead us through our upcoming days.  Through it all we will rejoice....ALWAYS!  REJOICE!  I leave you with this song..... Turn it up, click & have fun! :-)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

We're Home!

You will be blessed as you come in and blessed when you go out.  Deut. 68:6

We are now home in Story City, Iowa!  It has been a whirlwind week of packers, movers, saying goodbyes, and driving to our new home.  Saturday night we stayed in a hotel due to no furniture, shower curtains, or beds to sleep on.  We were tired from the driving and Sunday morning came early!  However, it was a new day and a new attitude was born!

I had gone to bed thinking about where to put things in the apartment.  I have to admit that I had a let down upon our arrival.  However, knowing that I had measured rooms at home, all the furniture we brought with us would fit.  I kept telling myself things are going to be alright.  We checked out of our hotel Sunday, found a Walmart to get some milk & cereal, dropped it off at the apartment and headed to church.

I've always felt our moving was a God thing.  I don't know what His plan is for us while we are here, but I know He will make it all work out.  I can't even begin to tell you the questions I've had in my mind throughout the last couple weeks.  Many things I've wondered about, prayed about, and called out to God because I knew He had to be the one to be in control.  The first song we sang at church was You Hold Me Now by Hillsong. (Click here to play)   This song was like an answer to prayer for me, a reassurance from God that HE IS IN CONTROL and HE is holding me & my family in this journey.  

We met some people after service.  One couple has a daughter Mattye's age.  They took Mattye's phone number so the girls could chat about going to youth group later.  The rest of the afternoon, we drove around taking in our new hometown and it's surroundings.  Mattye got her phone call & she went  to youth that evening!  We were so proud of her for going knowing no one!  She did met several kids her age and came home so excited for the youth group & girls she met.  We stayed at a hotel Sunday evening and, again, Monday morning came early!!!

Our furniture arrived at 8:15 am Monday, October 11th, and, as suspected, our new home filled up fast....with boxes!  Again, God was in control as we had rented a storage unit & the movers helped us get our storage items where they needed to go & stacked neatly!  Most of my day was spent in the kitchen unpacking boxes and putting things away.  Mattye was the first to achieve success in getting a room totally put together!  She was so happy to have her own bed.  I was so happy to have gotten our bed, and most importantly, Todd's CPAP.  He had left it out at home when the movers came and they packed it away!  We were looking forward to a snore free night of rest!

Tuesday we enrolled Mattye in Roland-Story High School, got our tv and computer hooked up, and worked on emptying more boxes.  We continued on the journey of trying to find our bedding, undergarmets,  lampshades, pillows....just some of the essentials!  The rest of the week consisted of much of the same....unpack, break down boxes, put more stuff in storage.

Here's another song I want to share.  Click here to listen.  We closed our service Sunday with this song, Amazed.  I cried then, I'm crying now.  As the week has progressed, I have been nothing but amazed by God's work, the people we have met, and the experiences we've shared so far....the blessings we've received as we've come in and gone out.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

The process has long begun of telling people we are moving.  The time has just gone too fast!  So many people have touched our lives that we can't possibly see or talk to everyone before our departure day.  We have told our church family goodbye.  I know I didn't anticipate crying so much!  I'm sure the rest of my family didn't either!

Nothing has made me realize how many people have been woven into our lives as this move.  Spending time with friends at our home this past weekend, in the cold and sometimes rainy weather, like life, we weathered it together!  Sometimes we crowded around the fire for warmth, other times we were crowded into the sunroom for dryness & warmth!  Sharing stories of the past, talking about the future, and looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone.

At church, as our family was recognized for what God has called us to do - serve - I realized just how many people we have served beside.  It's not that The Coulter's have done it all.  We've only been a small part of a larger picture that took many people to fulfill God's plan.  How awesome it was to hug people who, through prayer, God has healed them.  Hugging people who have prayed for me and my family through illnesses & surgeries.  Hugging people who you know would drop anything and everything to help you do whatever you needed.  Hugging people whose lives have been drastically changed because they made a decision to live for Christ!

Through all the goodbyes and see you later, God has provided encouragement and confirmation that this large transition will be a small part of His big picture.  I praise Him for that!